APM Leads a Car Caravan to Raise Civic Awareness and Get Out the Puerto Rican and Latino Vote in Philadelphia

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Watch APM Lead A Car Caravan To Raise Civic Awareness and Get Out The Puerto Rican And Latino Vote In Philadelphia

Pennsylvania Puerto Rican and Latino organizations launch campaign to encourage residents to vote

WHAT: As a member organization of the Boricua Vota Pennsylvania coalition, Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM) is engaging in a major Get Out the Vote campaign. In an effort to motivate Puerto Rican and other Latino voters to go to the polls, both groups are sponsoring a caravan to raise awareness of the Nov. 3 election and encourage residents to vote. The caravan will drive through neighborhoods where other prominent Puerto Rican and Latino social services organizations are headquartered, including Norris Square/Ceiba, Taller Puertorriqueño, Congreso, Hace, Roberto Clemente Housing, ASPIRA, Esperanza, Concilio and El Bombatazo.

Boricua Vota Pennsylvania is organized by the National Puerto Rican Agenda (NPRA) under the leadership of APM’s CEO Nilda Ruiz. The 12 member organizations of the nonpartisan coalition serve communities across the swing state of Pennsylvania that have been largely overlooked and undercounted in electoral politics.

In addition to the caravan, the coalition is providing transportation for voters to and from the polls for early voting and on Election Day. To learn more and to schedule a ride, visit NPRA’s Facebook page.

WHO: Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM) in partnership with Boricua Vota Pennsylvania

WHEN: Sunday, Oct. 25 from 1 to 5 p.m.

WHERE: Caravan starts at 5th and Berks Streets (Cousin’s Supermarket) and ends at 400 W. Lehigh Ave.

CONTACT: Barbara Beck, bbeck@sage-communications.com, 610-246-9167 (cell)


About (APM)
Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM) is a non-profit organization that works to improve the quality of life
for residents of Greater Philadelphia through direct service and outreach. We offer a full spectrum of bilingual and
culturally sensitive social services related to education, health, human services and community and economic
development. To learn more, visit https://apmphila.org/ and follow the hashtag #APMTurns50 and
@APMForEveryone on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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