Community Umbrella Agency
APM’s two Community Umbrella Agencies (APM-CUA’s) are responsible for supporting those living in the 24th and 26th (CUA 2), and the 35th and 39th (CUA 5) Police Districts under Philadelphia’s Department of Human Services (DHS).
We develop connections to formal and informal neighborhood networks and make local resources more accessible to strengthen and stabilize the families we serve.
Together, APM-CUA and DHS strive to ensure:
- More children and youth are maintained safely in their own homes and communities
- More children and youth achieve timely permanence
- A reduction in the use of group homes
- Improved child and family functioning
Please call 1.855.KIDSAPM (1.855.543.7276) or 267.317.2294 with any questions or concerns. Our office is also open at 1900 N. 9th Street Monday through Friday.
For urgent matters or to contact us after hours, we can be reached at 1.855.999.1276.