Job Support & Benefit Enrollment
APM offers a range of counseling and workshops on employment, benefit enrollment and other supports.
Need another pair of eyes to take a look at your resume or cover letter? Want to know more about the basics of budgeting and reducing debt? How about English as a Second Language (ESL) or computer and financial literacy? We’ve got you covered.
- APM Employment Services: APM career coaches provide direct services related to resume/cover letter preparation and interviewing skills. Employment counselors develop relationships with employers and screen candidates for job opportunities.
- Benefit Enrollment & Income Supports: Staff can guide individuals and families through navigating all state and federal benefits, such as Earned Income Tax Credits or childcare. Using our eligibility screening tool, we ensure that residents are fully aware of the benefits they are entitled to and how to maximize them.
To schedule an appointment, please call 215.235.6070, or visit our office at 600 W. Diamond Street. Hours are limited due to COVID-19 changes.